Agriturismo Montelovesco


Organic lifestyle  

Organic lifestyle

Agriturismo Montelovesco produces organic products and protects the environment with sustainable practices such as recycling and the use of renewable energy sources.

In recent years, organic seems to have almost become a fashion. For us, convinced ecologists, it is a lifestyle that has always distinguished us.

Life in the countryside has taught us to give value to what is taken for granted in the city: the sound of silence, the darkness of the night, life in the open air, the knowledge that resources are not infinite and that there is a time for everything.

This is why we move in a consistent and green way on several
Organic products

We offer our guests the opportunity to taste vegetables, fruit and evo oil produced on our organic farm.

We recycle

We recycle everything we can, preferring to repair rather than throw away. At the agriturismo, you will see various objects to which we have given a second life: an old broken parasol has become the structure of the Christmas tree and the broken horse manger, a sink.

Sustainable installations

Our systems are designed to minimise waste, and we make our guests aware of doing the same.

Renewable sources

The electricity of the agriturismo comes exclusively from renewable sources. In the near future, we plan to install solar panels to produce electricity and hot water.

Inquadratura ravvicinata di una libellula appoggiata a un filo d’erba in mezzo a un prato.

Do you have any other curiosities about our facility?