Agriturismo Montelovesco


Cycling Tourism

Cycling Tourism

Agriturismo Montelovesco puts some mountain bikes at the disposal of its guests or offers an external bike rental service.

Al centro della foto, una strada sterrata segna un sentiero in natura, circondato da rigogliosi alberi di ogni tipologia. Al centro del sentiero, due persone stanno pedalando in bicicletta.

Besides offering peace and relaxation, Agriturismo Montelovesco is the right place for bike lovers. Guests who practice cycling can use the mountain bikes that we provide free of charge or rent bikes, including pedal assisted bikes from our partners.

There are no official routs departing from our agriturismo, but we recommend SP206, a panoramic road with little traffic connecting our facility to the Medieval town of Gubbio (about 21 km away).

Gubbio is certainly interesting from an historical point of view, but it is also a strategic point for cycling tourism because there are several charging and repair stations for electric bikes. In addition, it is also a stop on various cycle paths and amateur itineraries.

Would you like more information on mountain bike rental?